Friday, May 16, 2014

Chillin Out (5/13/2014)

Today was a day to keep the rig parked and take some down time. Bullards Beach SP is just beautiful, the temperature was in the 70’s and we decided that we wouldn’t move today! Not that we didn’t do anything, but driving was not a part of it. I had the opportunity to wash and wax the trailer – get some of that 10 days of road grime and bug splat off. Barbara got the inside brought up to her standards. We did a bit more organizing inside the car, using all the space inside the Escape to our advantage. Now, the second row of the car is empty except for the items that we need when we are moving. (rain jackets, camera, binoculars, etc.) We did take the time to visit the Coquille River Lighthouse. It wasn’t open for the season, but we were able to check it out on the outside. We also got some Wi-Fi tasks taken care of. I had to purchase a beer to get “free” Wi-Fi, but I took one for the team. Tomorrow, we will continue down the coast to California and Redwood National Park. Hopefully, the Park Rangers will be able to help us plan the next part of our trip. I know what I would like to see, but snow can still be an issue at some of the parks at higher elevation.

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